Monday, January 05, 2009

New Year Resolution, and Catching-up with several Old Years Past

It has been a while, but I decided I was going to try to keep this blog consistent starting with this year. You could consider it a New Year's resolution, I suppose. But while I am not sure I will be updating this every day, I do hope to update it when I have any news or info of any kind that is relevant to my writing or my career in any way.
So, here we go. Since you haven't been with me (or I haven't been with you for awhile) I'll give you a brief run down of what I have been doing.
In 2006, the Xbox 360 video game "Prey" which I helped create was released.
From there I started to dive back into the publishing world to get my own writing back on track.
My second novel, "In the Autumn of the Unfortunates" became serialized on Virtual Tales website, and is now on its way to being released in print.
My short story collection, "Building a Better Monster" was released by Stone Garden Publishing last year, and has been doing quite well.
In November, the third edition of my first novel, "The Hunting Sorrow" was released by Double Dragon Publishing---this also makes it the third publisher, as well. This one has been revised and updated, something I had been wanting to accomplish for a while now, as that it was originally written when I was 18, and there were a number of mistakes within it that have haunted me over the years---particularly as I grew older. Now at last I can say that we have what I believe is the definitive edition.
So, last but not least, I am pleased to announce that January 10th is going to see the release of my third novel, "To Suffer a Witch," which is the first in a series, The Blackthorne Chronicles, which are being published by Stone Garden Publishing.
Here is a link to the publishers web page to find out more about it:

I'll have more on all this soon, but suffice it to say, now that I found this blog again, and recalled the pass word at last, I thought I'd start with just a brief overview and a plug for the most recent news I have. Stay tuned. There is more yet to come....

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